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Journal publications (English, Peer-reviewed)

Kinoshita G, Suda K, Aoki D, Ohnishi N, Jogahara T, Sato J, Yamada F, Suzuki H Island population dynamics since the Late Miocene; Comparative phylogeography of mammalian species in three genera (Pentalagus, Diplothrix, and Tokudaia) endemic to the Central Ryukyu Islands. Mammal Study (accepted)

Aoki D*, Senda M What knowledge gaps remain in the spatial analysis of bird banding data?: A review with a focus on the Japanese data usage. Ornithological Science (accepted). [Review paper] *corresponding author

Aoki D, Matsuhi S, Esashi M, Nishiumi I, Nagata J, Takagi M 2023 Population genetics of recent natural colonization by the Bull-headed Shrike (Lanius bucephalus: Aves) suggests the importance of recurrent immigration on remote islands. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, blad105. 10.1093/biolinnean/blad105

Sakamoto H*, Aoki D*, Uemura S, Takagi M 2023Genetic parent-offspring relationships predict sexual differences in contributions to parental care in the Eurasian Tree Sparrow. Ornithological Science, 22: 45-56. *co-first DOI: 10.2326/osj.22.45

Senzaki M, Aoki D, Kitazawa M, Hara S 2022 Interspecific tandem flights in nocturnally migrating terrestrial birds. Ecology, 104: e3937. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3937

Squires TE, Aoki D, Hasegawa O 2022The recent expansion of Great CormorantsPhalacorax carboin Hokkaido, Japan. Ardea 109:389-394. DOI: 10.5253/arde.v109i2.a11

Aoki D, Iwami Y, Takagi M 2021 Formation of macro- and microrefugia explains morphological divergence of the Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius in the Japanese archipelago. Acta Ornithologica, 56: 15-28. DOI: 10.3161/00016454AO2021.56.1.002

Aoki D, Sakamoto H, Kitazawa M, Kryukov AP, Takagi M 2021Migration-tracking integrated phylogeography supports long-distance dispersal-driven divergence for a migratory bird species in the Japanese archipelago. Ecology and Evolution, 11:6066-6079. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7387

Aoki D*, Kinoshita G, Kryukov AP, Nishiumi I, Lee SI, Suzuki H​ 2018 Quaternary-related genetic differentiation and parallel population dynamics of the Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius) in the circum-Japan Sea region. Journal of Ornithology, 159: 1087-1097. DOI: 10.1007/s10336-018-1573-9. *corresponding author

Journal publications (Japanese, Peer-reviewed)

Kitazawa M & Aoki D2018 A continuous snow cover season record of Siberian Blue Robin Luscinia cyane in Hokkaido. Japanese Journal of Ornithology, 67: 267-270.

Aoki D 2017 The northernmost record of Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana in Japan; the first record for Hokkaido. Japanese Journal of Ornithology, 66: 49-52.

Aoki D, Kitazawa M, Godo U. 2017 Records of Siberian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita tristis on Teuri Island and Yagishiri islands, Hokkaido: the northernmost records in Japan. Japanese Journal of Ornithology, 66: 181-186.

Kitazawa M, Aoki D, Shimazaki A. 2016 A record of Two-barred Greenish Warbler Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus on Teuri Island; the first confirmed record for Hokkaido. Japanese Journal of Ornithology, 65: 167-172.

Kitazawa M, Aoki DShimazaki A. 2016 A record of Ferruginous Flycatcher Muscicapa ferruginea on Teuri Island, Hokkaido Prefecture; the northernmost record in Japan Japanese Journal of Ornithology 65: 47-50.



Aoki D, Senzaki M, Ando H, Odaya Y, Heim W, Kitazawa M, Wulf T, Trense D, Bastardot M, Fukuda A, Takahashi M, Kondo N 2023Phylogenomics reveals an island as a genetic reservoir of a continental population. bioRxiv, 10.1101/2023.09.27.559751

​Books and other articles
Book Writing

Odaya Y, Iwami Y, Aoki D, Morimoto G "Chapter 4: Morphological Analysis" In. Watanuki Y & Takagi M (eds.) "A Guide to Field Ornithology" 2024, Asakura Shokan, Tokyo.

Aoki D “History of Japanese Birds as Seen from Genetic Information” Reiko Kurosawa and Masaki Eda (eds.) “Exploring Japanese Birds Through Time: The Foundation of Restoration Ecology” 2021, Tsukiji Shokan, Tokyo.

Aoki D “The roots of the Japanese archipelago as seen through genetic analysis of ancient human bones,” Reiko Kurosawa and Masaki Eda (eds.), Exploring Japanese Birds Through Time: The Foundation of Restoration Ecology, 2021, Tsukiji Shokan, Tokyo. ​

Magazine articles
Symposiums & Sessions

Daisuke Aoki・Yusuke Sawa Drawing the migratory routes of small birds: Aiming for the nationwide expansion of migration tracking research. Ornithological Society of Japan 2023 Annual Meeting, Kanazawa, 2023/9. [Co-organizer of a free-style symposium]

Hiroaki Matsumiya, Sodai Kitazawa, Haruka Mizumura,Daisuke Aoki・Akari Akamatsu. The current status of the red-crowned shrike, a bird on the verge of extinction, and the search for a conservation system to avoid extinction. Ornithological Society of Japan 2022 Annual Meeting, Ornithological Society of Japan, 2022/11. [Co-organizer of a free-style symposium]

Aoki D “Disentangling the biogeographic legacies in evolution of avian migration”, In Aoki D., Yamaguchi R. “Determinism & Contingency: How did biogeographic processes interplay with macroevolution?”, 69th Ecological Society of Japan, S11, 2022/3. [Presentation at the symposium]

Aoki D, Yamaguchi R. “Determinism & Contingency: How did biogeographic processes interplay with macroevolution?”, 69th Ecological Society of Japan, S11, March 2022, Fukuoka (online). [Co-organizer of a symposium]


Aoki D & Yamaguchi R. The influence of geological dynamics on the tempos of colonization and speciation on a land-bridge island. 70th Ecological Society of Japan, B03-08, 2023/3. [English oral presentation]

Yuichi Yamaura, Yasushi Shoko, Schmaljohann H, Akira Kumono, Yao RT, Yong DL, Kazuhiro Kawamura, Munehiro Kitazawa, Shigeho Sato,Daisuke Aoki・Yuji Oka, Masayoshi Takahashi, Tsuyoshi Fujima, Masayuki Senzaki, Masashi Soga. “How to promote social support for conservation activities in geographically distant countries? The case of migratory birds in East Asia,” 70th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Japan, Ecological Society of Japan, March 2023.

Daisuke Aoki, Yusuke Nishida, Masayuki Takagi. “Evolution of partial migration of highland shrike using GPS migration tracking” 2021 Annual Meeting of the Ornithological Society of Japan, Ornithological Society of Japan, 2021/9. [Oral presentation]

Hiroaki Matsumiya, Seiichi Hara, Daisuke Aoki, Akari Akamatsu, Shohei Furumaki, Masanobu Hotta. “Current status and challenges of the Nagano population of the Brown Shrike” 2021 Annual Meeting of the Ornithological Society of Japan, Ornithological Society of Japan, 2021/9.

Aoki D, Sakamoto H, Kryukov AP, Matsumiya H, Kitazawa M, Takagi M. Migration-tracking integrated phylogeography infers a biogeographical process of divergence in Japanese migratory bird species, 35th Society of Population Ecology, Society of Population Ecology, 2019/9.

Daisuke Aoki・Haruna Sakamoto, Hiroaki Matsumiya, Alexey P. Kryukov, Munehiro Kitazawa, Masayuki Takagi. “New scenario for lineage differentiation of Japanese endemic bird species revealed by phylogeography integrated with migration tracking” 2019 Annual Meeting of the Ornithological Society of Japan, Ornithological Society of Japan, 2019/9.

Aoki D, Sakamoto H, Matsumiya H, Kitazawa M, Takagi M. Light-level geolocators and phylogeography reveal the evolutionary uniqueness of the Japanese-endemic migratory bird subspecies, 66th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan, Ecological Society of Japan, 2019/03.  

Aoki D, Matsui S, Nagata J, Senda M, Nomano F, Takagi M.Genetic data of an extinct population can offer insights into processes that a natural population successfully colonize a previously uninhabited area, 34th Society of Population Ecology, Society of Population Ecology, 2018/10.

Daisuke Aoki・Susumu Matsui, Junko Nagata, Mariko Senda, Fumiaki Nomano, Masayuki Takagi. “Exploring the conditions that enable organisms to form new populations from the DNA of extinct natural populations” 2018 Annual Meeting of the Ornithological Society of Japan, Ornithological Society of Japan, September 2018.

Aoki D, Kinoshita G, Kryukov AP, Nishiumi I, Lee SI, Suzuki H.Quaternary-related genetic divergence and parallel population dynamics of the Eurasian Jay in the circum-Japan Sea region, 27th International Ornithological Congress, Vancouver, 2018. [Peer-reviewed]

Daisuke Aoki, Susumu Matsui, Junko Nagata, Mariko Senda, Fumiaki Nomano, Masayuki Takagi. “Unraveling the reasons why populations are able to colonize oceanic islands - From a genetic comparison of successful and unsuccessful colonization populations of shrike -” 65th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Japan, Ecological Society of Japan, March 2018.

Kyoko Iwami, Daisuke Aoki, Masaoki Takagi. “Reexamination of classification based on morphology and genetic characteristics of the subspecies Sadjay,” 2017 Annual Meeting of the Ornithological Society of Japan, Ornithological Society of Japan, 2017/9.

Daisuke Aoki, Gota Kinoshita, Alexey Kryukov, Isao Nishikai, Sang-im Lee, Hitoshi Suzuki. “Parallel population dynamics in the Japan Sea region generated by the last ice age - JaysGarrulus glandariusFrom a phylogeographical study of the 64th Ecological Society of Japan, Ecological Society of Japan, March 2017.

Daisuke Aoki, Gota Kinoshita, Alexey Kryukov, Isao Nishikai, Sang-im Lee, Hitoshi Suzuki. ``Jays covering the Japan Sea region''Garrulus glandarius"Elucidation of population structure and estimation of population history" 2016 Annual Meeting of the Ornithological Society of Japan, Ornithological Society of Japan, 2016/9.


Gota Kinoshita, Kyoko Suda, Daisuke Aoki, Naoki Onishi, Takamichi Jogahara, Shinichiro Fukumoto, Jun Sato, Fumio Yamada, Hitoshi Suzuki “Comparison of three mammal genera endemic to the Central Ryukyus (Amami black rabbit, woolly rat, and spiny rat) Phylogeography,” Japanese Society of Mammalogy 2023 Annual Meeting, Japanese Society of Mammalogy, 2023/9.

Akari Akamatsu, Daisuke Aoki, Hiroaki Matsumiya, Seiichi Hara, Shohei Furumaki, and Masayuki Takagi, “The influence of life history strategies on the population decline of the endangered red-crowned shrike that breeds in orchards,” 69th Ecological Society of Japan Conference, Ecological Society of Japan, 2022/3.

Akari Akamatsu, Daisuke Aoki, Hiroaki Matsumiya, Seiichi Hara, Shohei Furumaki, and Masayuki Takagi. “Exploring the orchard environment suitable for the breeding of the rare red-breasted shrike and the factors behind its population decline” 2021 Annual Meeting of the Ornithological Society of Japan, The Ornithological Society of Japan, 2021/9.

Shohei Furumaki, Daisuke Aoki, Akari Akamatsu, Masaoki Takagi. “Adaptive significance of interspecific territoriality between shrike and red-breasted shrike” 2021 Annual Meeting of the Ornithological Society of Japan, Ornithological Society of Japan, 2021/9.


Haruna Sakamoto, Daisuke Aoki, Keiko Nitta, Masayuki Takagi. “Are there any properties that are popular as spawning sites? - Life history research rooted in intraspecific spawning” 2018 Ecological Society of Japan Hokkaido Regional Conference, Ecological Society of Japan Hokkaido Regional Meeting, 2018/12.

Haruna Sakamoto, Daisuke Aoki, Keiko Nitta, Masayuki Takagi. “Neighborhood relationships of mandarin duck wives: Life history research rooted in intraspecific spawning,” Ornithological Society of Japan 2018 Annual Conference, Ornithological Society of Japan, 2018/9.

Grants & Awards

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for Young Researchers, “Assessing the relative influence of historical constraints on the evolution of migratory routes using Japan as a model system”
From fiscal year 2023.

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Support for the start of research activities, “Elucidating the historical coincidences that led to the diversity of migratory routes: Focusing on migratory birds in Japan”,
From 2022.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Special Researcher PD Recruitment, from 2022 (declined)..

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Special Researcher DC1 Recruitment, 2019-2021


Public Interest Trust Kentasuke Memorial Animal Science Research Grant Fund, 2019.

Japanese Ornithological Society Ito Fund International Ornithological Society Participation Grant, 2018.

Ornithological Society of Japan 2021 Conference Druid Award, 2021.

​Hokkaido University Graduate School of Science Excellence Research Encouragement Award, 2019/4.

65th Ecological Society of Japan English Presentation Best Award, 2019/3.

34th Society of Population Ecology Excellent Poster Award, 2018/10.

Ornithological Society of Japan 2018 Annual Conference, Ornithological Society of Japan Poster Award, 2018/9.

Outreach Activities

Daisuke Aoki, “Approaching the migration of the endangered red-crowned shrike”, Bird Latest Topics Report, Sapporo, 2020/11.

Daisuke Aoki, Haruna Sakamoto, and Masayuki Takagi, “Ideals and Realities of the Mandarin Duck Couple – The Really Complex Mandarin Duck Society”, 10th Maruyama Wild Animal Cafe, Sapporo, July 2018.

​Public seminar

Daisuke Aoki, “Settlement in unexplored areas, differentiation, and becoming a different species: Possibilities of speciation research based on East Asia,” 2018 Hokkaido Ornithology Seminar, Sapporo, March 2018.

Daisuke Aoki, “Parallelism of bird population dynamics in the Japan Sea region created by the Quaternary Period,” 2017 Hokkaido Ornithology Seminar, Sapporo, February 2017.

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